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Salary Guide 2024
Sales & Marketing Landscape in Belgium
At Generations Recruitment, our consultants are true specialists in Marketing and Sales since 2009. Our approach, based on meaningful recruitment, allows a strong cultural fit between talents and employers.
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Talent Acquisition Specialists | Sales & Marketing
At Generations Recruitment, our consultants are true specialists in Marketing and Sales since 2009. Our approach, based on meaningful recruitment, ensures a strong cultural fit between talents and employers.
Talents found their job with us
We helped more than 400 candidates reach their career goals (Brand Managers, Account Managers, Product Managers…)
Companies work with us
We partnered with more than 100 companies, from market leaders to startups and NGOs (Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Amnesty International…)
Years of experience
We developed a deep understanding of the Marketing and Sales job market, across several industries (FMCG, Luxury, IT, Consumer & Electronic goods, Pharma…)
Your dream job is waiting
Find an employer aligned with your aspirations and your values, it is our purpose!
Happy People
They managed their recruitment with us. Your turn?

Generations Recruitment sprl
412F Chaussée de Waterloo
1050 Brussels – Belgium
+32 2 344 44 08
Flanders’ office
BrainTower office
12A Bassinstraat
2850 Boom – Belgium
Your next employee is in our network!
More than 35.000 Sales and Marketing Talents in our database.