
How to apply?

1. Register

Create your account in a few clicks.
Upload your CV and find your dream job.

2. Apply in one click

Browse our jobs offers and click to apply. 

3. Follow your application

Follow the progress of your application(s) step by step in your account.

4. Apply spontaneously

Click on the “Apply spontaneously” button in your account to send proactively your CV to our team (or you can also let us know you are open to new opportunities thanks to the button “I’m Open”)

5. Take the G.R.A.M.

Complete our free questionnaire  and discover work aspirations profile thanks to the Generations Recruitment Aspirational Model.

Quick & Easy

Create your account, upload your CV and apply in 1-click. 



Follow your applications online in real-time, step by step. 

Team spirit

All applications are reviewed by the entire GR team to increase the chances of finding you the best career opportunity.