Katrien Vandenbroeck

I can highly recommend working with Generation Recruitment. They take the time to understand the needs for the vacancy and for the company. All candidates I met had a good fit with the company. Next time when looking for talents, I will definitely contact them again.

Marie Willand

Mrs Van Cauwenberghe took care of my follow-up, which went very well. The help and advice given during the recruitment process was great. Mrs Van Cauwenberghe was available if I needed her and kept in touch during all the process.

Junior Sales executive
Soraya Saenen

Tijdens mijn stage bij Generations Recruitment kreeg ik enorm veel kansen en vertrouwen om dingen bij te leren over alle aspecten van rekrutering. Zo leerde ik hoe ik de perfecte kandidaat vind via LinkedIn of de database, hoe ik een sollicitatiegesprek of telefoonscreening uitvoer, … GR luisterde ook echt naar wat ik zelf wou leren of bereiken in mijn toekomstige carrière. Zo kreeg ik de kans om mee te werken aan de sociale media en artikels voor de website, iets wat ik zelf graag doe.

Dankzij wekelijkse evaluatiemomenten met een lid van het team, kon ik wekelijks mijn planning opstellen en bekeken we samen hoe we die week aan mijn stagedoelstellingen konden werken. Ook de wekelijkse vergaderingen met het team en de verschillende teambuildings, zorgden ervoor dat ik mij deel van het team voelde. Ik zou dus een stage bij GR zeker aanraden!

Massimo Terranova

Very professional service and focus on candidate requirement!
Moreover the recruiter went a mile further: at my first day in the office with the client Generations Recruitment was so kind to send me a very delicious box of muffins as a welcome gift. I will never forget this day! Thank you so much for caring about your candidates.

Frank Cooijmans

Yoni and team are master in the art of communicating. Weekly contact/feedback on candidates brought us to the best selection we have done since I have joined Vemedia Consumer Health. Also, Yoni was able challenge me on more organizational/HR topics in general, which was truly of added value for me. Thank you Generations Recruitment!

Oliver Pearce

The model that Generations Recruitment put together to find the right candidates was nothing like any other recruitment firm we have engaged in the past. We were not only able to bring on the perfect candidate, but one that we feel really fits our company culture. Would highly recommend.

Julie Engelborghs

Good understanding of the needs related to both the skills and the values / behaviour of the candidates. Fast reaction time and flexible. Open and feedback driven collaboration approach. Proposal of candidates answering the expectations for the open position(s). Already two candidates in place since more than a year, and they’re great!

Antoine Helm

It was very good, I was always in contact with my contact person. I had the possibility to give some feedback but also discuss some details when I didn’t felt weel to discuss it directly with the company.

Julie Beauve

I was contacted by Helene to propose me my current role. She took the time to answer all questions and remained available all the time. I really got a feeling of closeness and the process was human and personal.

Thierry Destexhe

Yoni and Marc, in charge of the search, successfully carried out the recruitment of a Product Manager and a Key account Manager. Beside the understanding of our needs, they not only matched the competencies of the candidates with our expectations but also the fit in our “start-up” mindset and culture.
They have a deep respect of humans and really fight for you.
High Quality for a market competitive cost.

Laura Peserico

The team of GR has a totally different approach: they first get to know you as a person, what your aspirations are, what are the triggers to your motivation and more importantly, what you look for in a company. This allows them to find the right match for you in terms of competencies but more importantly personality. My experience with them has been great since the very beginning: a friendly chat with a recruiter about me, a job research, an interview at the company and a job offer, all of this in less than 3 weeks.. It’s been now a year I work at this company and I could not be happier of the job and the team! Totally recommended!

Alexy Joven

Leslie Van Cauwenberghe – truly added value for my research – preparation and stress management.
Helpful, motivating and careful person to which you can rely on and talk to.

Even though I have not been selected by the employer – I have learn so much on myself through the different steps and calls with Leslie.

Thank you again !

Stephanie Leblanc

Yoni and the team make true effort in finding you the right job and not just any job. They are supporting you and guiding you until signature and even beyond. I would recommend GR for any company looking to hire the best candidates and any job seekers looking for the perfect fit job.

Marie-Julie Wilkin

Yoni has understood our needs very quickly and managed to offer the right candidates with the right expertise to help our company achieve its digital transformation.

Pauline Ameeuw

Really good follow up from GR in the whole process to get this new job. I felt encouraged, supported and in good hands!

Toyota Insurance
Laurianne Bizon

I have rarely met such a professional and dedicated recruitment person as Yoni Szpiro. I want to say a massiv thank you for your help, support and advice throughout the whole application process. Yoni took care of everything, always sending an email or calling for an update about the job, believing in me and helping me to make the best out this new chapter of my professional career !

Kenneth Bérard

Our experience with headhunters has not always been great. But I am so glad we have started collaborating with Generations. They don’t only bring results but it’s also a long term partner that we trust. They understand exactly our business and values which enable us to present good candidates. Thank you for the great job!

Brigitte De Cock

GR has a very good understanding of the company’s needs in terms of competences and fit with the company’s culture.
They are devoted and always eager to go the extra mile to find the best person for your team.

Mélanie Decelle

Nous avons fait appel à Generations Recruitment dans le cadre du recrutement de notre Digital Manager Benelux.

Spadel est une entreprise familiale et locale. Par sa nature, notre entreprise présente l’immense opportunité pour les marketeers d’utiliser au jour le jour leur capacité stratégique… et de mettre concrètement en œuvre leurs recommandations pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Car chez nous, pas de centre d’innovation ou de campagnes livrées par l’international qu’il faut « juste » amplifier…

J’attends donc de chaque membre de l’équipe de pouvoir appliquer une approche end-to-end : from strategy-to-action. Cette spécificité requiert des profils complets et spécifiques.

Generation Recruitment a été à l’écoute de notre brief.
Yoni et son équipe ont pris le temps de comprendre le contenu du job mais aussi la culture de notre entreprise et ses particularités.

Dans un premier temps, nous avons reçu une série de profils présélectionnés.
Certes, certains n’étaient pas tout à fait ce que nous recherchions mais les debriefs (qui font partie du process) pour lesquels GR était 100% à l’écoute, nous ont permis d’affiner notre demande.

Nous avons finalement pu procéder rapidement à 3 interviews concrets parmi lesquels se trouvait notre nouvelle digital Manager Tamara.

Un match parfait en terme d’expertise et d’état d’esprit!

Victorien L.

Mes premiers pas dans le monde professionnel se passent à merveille. P. est une formidable entreprise où les jeunes sont écoutés et encouragés à faire part de leurs idées. J’ai eu beaucoup de chances de croiser le chemin de GR et souhaite à tous les jeunes diplômés de trouver leur place comme j’ai pu trouver la mienne!

Anonymous 2

“I strongly recommend this professional company should you need a new resource or a new job.”

Elise F.

“I worked with and for GR. First, as a client, GR was my reference for all our Sales & Marketing recruitment. I could trust them (almost) with eyes closed! Then, a second adventure, as a freelance recruiter to strengthen the team for a few months. A great experience, a great atmosphere and lots of nice people! I hope our paths will cross again.”

Dorothée G.

“Great experience with Generations Recruitment, I highly recommend.”

Roy R.

“Generations Recruitment are one of the most progressive staffing companies in Europe. They operate world-class processes and work hard to understand the needs of both their candidates and their clients.”

Henri P.

“Great company, lead by a responsible and serious man. I recommend.”

Fabrizio C.

“It is a pleasure working with Generations Recruitment: friendly, diligent follow-through, out of the box thinking and a sharp understanding the specific roles we were trying to fill in and fitting/complementing our company’s culture.”

Bernard P.

“Generations Recruitment has been helping me build my account team for many years already. They understand my need and always find the person that fits my organization. Definitely the best price/quality offer in the market.”

Christian M.

“Generations Recruitment successfully carried out several recruitment missions thanks to their good understanding of the client’s needs, but also the aspirations of th candidates. The motivational approach enables the match between the candidate and the vacancy to be assessed, for successful recruitments.”


Peter P.

“Since the best validation is one’s own experience, I conducted the assessment myself. I discovered an efficient but most of all reliable tool able to identify my major personal drivers for job satisfaction as well as the circumstances for optimal business delivery. By matching the candidates’ and employers’ DNA, the tool offers a solid foundation in the search for the right candidate. This brings a higher degree of confidence for sustainable job performance and satisfaction. When well used the method improves the ROI for all the parties involved.”

Jean-Luc V.

“The Generations Recruitment model supported Continental Foods for the recruitment of a new marketing director in the first step to crystallize the needs of our organization. Completing the details together and being challenged by the Generations Recruitment consultant was also very valuable. Matching the candidates with the profiles in the second step and linking these insights with the interviews helped us to effectively and professionally recruit the right candidate!”

Thierry S.

“Generations Recruitment has already helped us in several successful recruitments. The motivational approach developed by Yoni and his team means that the values of both the candidates and companies are better integrated during the recruitment process.”

Anonymous 1

“Great recruitment agency with competent people. Open-minded. Highly recommended.”

Pietro M.

“I have been using Generations Recruitment services 2008 for different marketing and sales positions in Belgium, UK and Monaco. Generations Recruitment has always provided a great service, understanding the company culture and the type of profile required for each project. They’ve never accepted a project they couldn’t deliver, offering a high degree of transparency on the opportunities and difficulties linked with each recruitment. I’m extremely keen to recommend Generations Recruitment, as a strong Marketing and Sales boutique agency with specialised recruiters.”